Bahar e Shariat


The Term Aqida means Proper Islamic Belief.

Aqida 1: Almighty Allah is One. He has no partners in Being, attributes, actions, commands or in Names. Almighty Allah is "Waajibul Wajood" (His existence is necessary). His non-existence is absolutely impossible (Muhaal). Almighty Allah is Qadeem (Always was, always will be; not a creation). Another name for this is Azali or Abadi. It is Allah alone who is worthy of worship.

It must be understood that Almighty Allah is One. In other words there is only one Allah. If any person believes that his "god" has partners, then that god of his is not Allah. Allah is one without any partners. Almighty Allah being Waajibul Wajood means that Almighty Allah's existence is necessary. In other words, if someone claims for his (so-called) god to be non-existent, then it is clear that that is not Allah. Allah is "All Existing". Muhaal means that which can never occur, in other words another Allah or the non existence of Allah is Muhaal. When we say that Almighty Allah is Qadeem, we mean that Almighty Allah has not been created. Allah always was and always will be. It is our (belief) that Allah alone is worthy or worship.

                                                                                                                                         عقا ئد متعلقہ ذات و صفاتِ الٰہی جَلّ جلا لہ،

  عقیدہ (۱): اﷲ (عزوجل) ایک ہے، کوئی اس کا شریک نہیں، نہ ذات میں، نہ صفات میں، نہ افعال میں نہ احکام میں، نہ اسماء میں ، واجب الوجود ہے، یعنی اس کا وجود ضروری ہے اور عَدَم مُحَال، قدیم ہے  یعنی ہمیشہ سے ہے، اَزَلی کے بھی یہی معنی ہیں، باقی ہے یعنی ہمیشہ رہے گا اور اِسی کو اَبَدی بھی کہتے ہیں۔ وہی اس کا مستحق ہے کہ اُس کی عبادت و پرستش کی جائے۔

Aqida 2: Almighty Allah is free from need (be parwa), in other words Allah is not dependant on anyone or anything rather the entire creation is dependant on Almighty Allah.

When we say that Almighty Allah is free from, it means that Almighty Allah is not in need of anything from anyone. Almighty Allah does not depend on anything or anyone. In other words, every single atom in the creation is dependant on the One Creator "ALLAH".
There are those, who think (Allah forbid) that Almighty Allah created Angels etc to do certain chores, so these mean that Allah is dependant on them to do these chores. This is totally incorrect. Almighty Allah created the Angels as His servants and gave them the opportunity to serve Him as their Lord. It is the Angels and all the creation that are dependant on Allah and Allah is without doubt dependant on none.

عقیدہ (۲): وہ بے پرواہ ہے، کسی کا محتاج نہیں اور تمام جہان اُس کا محتاج۔